>Nancy Dooley wrote:
>> Dog3 wrote:
>>>(PENMART01) wrote:
>>>>Six Dead, Three Hurt in Wisconsin Hunting Dispute
>>>Sheldon, do you ever get poachers on your farm? I'm sure you probably
>>>don't allow hunting on your property. Inexperienced hunters can be very
My property is well POSTED, as are all my neighbors, no one permits hunting
along this entire road.
>> Farm? I thought Shel lived in an apartment.
Hmm, sure sounds like you're putting down appartment dwellers... tsk tsk
Last hunting season I spotted a few people from my kitchen window way out in in
my back hayfield... the funniest thing you ever saw is fat *******s all decked
out in hunting gear bogged down in frozen hay trying to outrun a Landcruiser...
one of them even begged me to let him retrieve the rifle he dropped.
Ahahahahahahaha. . . .
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."