Scallops give off too much liquid when sauteeing
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Rodney Myrvaagnes
Posts: n/a
On 28 Nov 2004 16:22:19 -0800,
(Robert) wrote:
>Everytime I saute scallops, I can't get them to brown properly because
>they secrete too much liquid which creates more of a boiling result
>than a saute result.
>All thoughts appreciated and TIA.
You are getting them in the wrong place. Your scallops have been
soaked in a chemical (sodium phosphate?) that makes them absorb water
to add weight.
Scallops like that can't be seared or fried, and, and as you have
noticed, give trouble any way you try to cook them.
Get them from a place that will say they are "dry scallops" and if you
have that problem again you know they are crooks.
There are places on the web that offer to ship dry scallops. I have no
experience with them since I have no trouble getting them in NYC. THey
might be worth trying.
Rodney Myrvaagnes NYC J36 Gjo/a
"Religious wisdom is to wisdom as military music is to music."
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