Michael Odom wrote:
> On Sat, 27 Nov 2004 22:26:04 -0800, CouldntCareLess >
> wrote:
>> BOB wrote:
>> <Snip>
>> You are a moron that puts inbred rednecks to shame if you post things
>> like this.
>> ccl
> Yeah, maybe, but the one about the favorite recipe being illegal was
> pretty funny.
> modom
> "Dallas is a rich man with a death wish in his eyes."
> -- Jimmie Dale Gilmore
Heh! I posted the thing *almost* as I found it. I left out a couple that I
didn't think were suited for even *THIS* newsgroup.
I think that some people take things too seriously. I bet the OC (original
complainer) doesn't recognize the name Jeff Foxworthy or his type of comedy.
typing with one hand 'cuz my T.G. hand slice is to be surgically repaired this