Thread: pigs feet
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Victor Sack
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JJ > wrote:

> The 2 grilled footies look/feel kinda tough - makes sense as the feet
> still have the pig skin on and are now very hard and stiff.

Pig's trotters have to be cooked for a long time, even if they are going
to be grilled eventually. Classic French recipes, e.g. Bocuse's, call
for braising them on low heat for up to ten hours. Front trotters are
considered much superior to hind ones. In order to prevent them falling
apart during such a long cooking, they are individually wrapped in linen
cloth and tied with twine. Then they are slowly braised, covered,
together with vegetables, white wine, and spices, for a long time. Then
they are unwrapped, smothered with butter and rolled in breadcrumbs.
Then they are slowly grilled. Serve with rémoulade or béarnaise, or
just with mustard. Very tasty.
