"Julian9EHP" > wrote in message
> If testimony is nothing, you invalidate your own testimony that there is
> God.
Testimony by itself is nothing, for the simple reason that
it is more than evident that people can be wrong. Even
large numbers of people. That is why it is important that
testimony be supported by evidence and reasoning.
> Proof that your generalization is again wrong. Faith is not easy. Some
> is true, but even the true faith is not easy.
However, simply being "not easy" is no reason to
believe that something is CORRECT. Many people
have gone through truly incredible adversity for what
were ultimately proven to be erroneous beliefs. Others
have IMPOSED incredible adversity for the same
> It is so. Zwingli and the Diggers and Dr. King and . . . again and again,
> of the strongest protesters against Things As They Are are also religious.
And some were not. Or some were religious, but
believed in a vastly different religion than is being discussed
here. What is this intended to show?
> Except that the good (no quote marks) _does_ stand up to the evil. St.
> protested the crusades: so did many others.
And yet the Crusades occurred. Good stands up to evil, and
often vice-versa, and there seems no way to conclude that either
will always prevail.
Bob M.