On 29 Nov 2004 09:12:21 -0800, Zspider > wrote:
> ***********
> In the recipe I have, all three of the cheeses you mention were
> listed as possible choices for saganaki. However, feta is the
> only kind I could find. I looked at the Sahara Mart and at the
> big Kroger out on the west side.
> It's possible that I needed to let the cheese dry out some.
> The feta we bought at the Sahara Mart was submerged in water.
> Maybe the water transfers too much heat through the cheese and
> makes it melt. That's the engineer in me though, not the cook.
> Haha.
Hehehe, but you're probably right about that! Too bad about
the lack of other cheeses... I'd thought Sahara Mart would at least
have kesseri, they seem to have a lot of stuff. The owner seems like
a really nice guy, he might be able to help you out or order it for
you if you ask.
> Since you are familiar with the Sahara Mart, can you tell me of
> any other specialty grocery stores that we should try out? I
> think we might try oriental next weekend, and I know there are
> several Asian grocery stores. I have been thinking of visiting
> the one over by Macri's Deli by the Marsh.
> Thanks for posting, Ariane.
Sure thing, Michael. A while back, I think you had a thread
about finding panko...? I posted with a short list of specialty
stores in that thread, but now I can't remember the exact title of it.
Off the top of my head:
Saraga on College Mall Rd. is probably the biggest Asian grocery
in Bloomington,
AFAIK. But there are quite a few other smaller places
that would be good, too...the one on 4th St. near IU's campus (several
doors down from Siam House), the one on 10th St. near 10th and Union,
and Yahoo's online Yellow Pages lists one on Woodbridge that I'm not
sure I'm familiar with... Is that the one by Macri's and Marsh,
maybe? (My sense of geography is terrible.) I don't think I've been
there. FWIW, Saraga definitely carries panko, and they even have
HUGE economy sized bags of it in case you decide you like the stuff. ;D
Oh, another place in town that carries Middle Eastern and some
Asian/European goods is Olive Market, also on 10th. It's in that
little shopping center on the corner of 10th and 45/46. Failing that,
Bloomingfoods might carry more varieties of cheeses. The one on 3rd
near the College mall area is the larger location with more parking.
Good luck on your saganaki quest!