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No prob, E.P. I was actually replying/appending my own post before I even
saw your response. The "Gnostic book" I was quoting is the Gospel according
to Matthew, 24:14 (Olivette discourse). Though it may be correct that some
(I would not say "much") of what Paul states in his epistles originated (or
rather, agrees) with the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, by far, the bulk of
Pauline doctrine has more to do with interpreting the meaning of the advent
of "Christ-Messiah"and "salvation" (which assumes all are lost without it).
Added to that are counsul and reasonings written to advise and enlighten the
young churches established throughout his journeys. It is not the
reiterations of Jesus teachings that displace them, it is the appendages.
Leaven, as in baking, puffs up the original lump, but it adds no real
substance, only air. Two-thirds of the New Testament text are letters and
council written by Paul, if you credit him for the Epistle to Hebrews. Yet,
it would not be fair to assume that Paul himself either intended or expected
his writings to be peddled as "the gospel".

"Julian9EHP" > wrote in message
> >From: "zuuum"

>>So... when you read, Jesus said, "This gospel of the kingdom shall go into
>>all the world."..... insert [this gospel under construction.. waiting for
>>Pauline epistles]

> You're quoting a Gnostic book? Heh . . .
> My original statement was that much of Paul's statements originate in what
> Jesus said. You've not written anything that would falsify what I wrote.
> E. P.