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George Shirley
Posts: n/a

I was raised in EAst Texas and lots of very poor people ate pigs feet
and chicken feet. We weren't poor, nor rich either, but didn't eat
critter feet. Well, Dad ate pickled pigs feet but he grew up poor in
Central Louisiana and still thought they were a delicacy.

Tried a chicken foot one time because the neighbors kids were walking
around chewing on them. Boiled IIRC, couldn't get a good bite on it so
gave it back to the kid who gave it to me. Didn't taste like much of
anything but I'm looking back more than 50 years to remember this.

I still don't eat critter feet, not as long as there is prime beef to
eat. Maybe when I get older and poorer, naw!, not even then.


Bubba wrote:
> Read the posts on the pigs feet....Never found them to be very "meaty",
> but the flavor!!!!! What they will do for a pot of beans (or a
> cassoulet if you're feeling industrious) is probably a sin. However,
> I've also seen chicken feet for sale. I've seen recipes for them but
> they really didn't say much about the chicken feet themselves. Do these
> things have a flavor? What about the texture? Anyone out there ever
> used chicken feet?
> Thanks,
> Bubba