Black Friday purchase
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On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 18:50:59 GMT,
Lyons) wrote:
> "Gregory Morrow" >
> wrote:
> >I'm well aware of the *concept*, but have never heard the *term* -- and I
> >consider myself reasonably well - read (and that includes perusing daily the
> >_Wall Street Journal_, the _Financial Times_, and the bizness pages of other
> >major papers)...
> Then why write: "Well this is the first time I've ever heard the term
> (and I'm 50). It's just another concept the media cooked up to catch
> folks' attention..."
Are you equating "term" with "concept"?
Both Gregory and I (plus others) have stated that that term
connected with the concept of seasonal profit is NEW. If
you want us to say that Black Friday has NEVER been
associated with the kick off day of business profit during
the Christmas Season up to this point, consider it said.
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