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In article >,
Bubba > wrote:

> Read the posts on the pigs feet....Never found them to be very "meaty",
> but the flavor!!!!! What they will do for a pot of beans (or a
> cassoulet if you're feeling industrious) is probably a sin. However,
> I've also seen chicken feet for sale. I've seen recipes for them but
> they really didn't say much about the chicken feet themselves. Do these
> things have a flavor? What about the texture? Anyone out there ever
> used chicken feet?
> Thanks,
> Bubba

Again, I pressure cook them...

Add water to cover the cleaned chicken feet, bring up to pressure and
turn down to low for about an hour.

They make the BEST stock IMHO and you can suck the meat off the bones
and it'll glue your teeth together. ;-)

Best thing in the world for arthritis.

And the flavor is fantastic.

Add a little fresh onion, garlic and ground black pepper prior to
pressuring, then salt to taste as you eat them.


Sprout the MungBean to reply

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see, I have friends in both places." --Mark Twain