Trying to fill in the blanks:
I think Laurel Glen Reds would be good for Battleship Potemkin, though it could
work for On the Waterfront or Grapes of Wrath, too. (USSR)
12. Metropolis (GERMANY)
I think there's a Rheinhessen winemaker called Lang?
25. Un Chien Andalou (FRANCE)
Bonny Doon has a new wine called Exquisite Corpse
32. L'Avventura (ITALY)
I prefer BlowUp or Red Desert. But I'd choose a rather modern-styled Italian
wine, how about a Supertuscan?
38. The 400 Blows (FRANCE)
A young French wine, I'd go for something a bit delicate but with a core of
strength- a 2000 Bourgogne from a good maker (Chevillon, Lafarge, Bachelet,
I've never seen Delicatessen or The Story of Boys and Girls, sadly
Dale Williams
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