elaine wrote:
> A couple of people I know are opting for rosemary trees as opposed to
> christmas trees this year. But there's no reason why I can't do both -
> and a few weeks ago I saw a beautiful rosemary tree at my local Costco.
> Has anyone had experience with indoor rosemary trees -- how long they might
> last - or are they perhaps purely decorative?
> Elaine
My daughter bought one a few years ago, kept it watered, feed it some
dilute Miracle Gro and it lasted until the day after New Years. I was
visiting at that time and separated the trees in the container
(generally they intertwine two or more rosemary bushes to get the
required shape). Put them into separate containers and, in the spring,
set them out in her yard. They're about four feet wide by four feet tall
now. She lives in USDA Zone 8B in Texas.
Rosemary generally doesn't get very tall, it is more of a spreading
bush. Mine has been in the ground about 14 years and I literally hack it
back by two-thirds each year to keep it under control.
Not only are the leaves a culinary herb but the wood can make meat tasty
when put into the barbecue. HTH