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R-D-C wrote:
> Hello,
> I am very new to this and so far despite having about 14 gallons on the go
> in one gallon demijohns I only have one gallon bottled (which furnished me
> with four bottles).
> I had a look at my bottled white wine a while ago and noticed it had stuff
> suspended in it. Sorry to give the comparison but it looked like somebody
> had had a hearty sneeze into the bottles. I left it for a while to see if
> it would settle out but it stubbornly stayed where it was.

The stuff suspended in the bottle is a bacterial infection. You can often
resolve it in the carboys by adding sulfite, but if the smell is as bad as
you describe it might be too late. Did you use any sulfite while processing?

> The other day I got hold of a wine filter so thought I would try this on the
> bottles. I sterlised a new bottle using VWP and started filtering. Anyway,
> the filtering worked well for about a bottle and a half before getting
> clogged up and then I knocked the damn thing over and spilled it. I was
> left with the bottle and a half so I corked the full bottle and tasted the
> half. The wine smelled quite bad and didn't taste to great either, although
> it was much improved over the unfiltered wine.
> The bottle I have left I put to one side upright for a fewdays. It was
> crystal clear and I was quite hopeful. About 12 hours ago I laid it on its
> side to get the wine in contact with the cork. This morning I look at it
> and the deposit has started to return.
> Now, I did notice something brown oozing from the cork a bit when I put it
> in the bottle but assumed this was probably normal (not sure, I am new to
> this!) Also, it was a cheap kit so this probably didn't help (CWE White
> Wine). I know I probably get what I paid for but this must be wrong.
> Can anybody help? I don't want my other 13 gallons to end up down the sink
> too!

ernie San Francisco Bay AVA
California, USA
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