Thread: T'giving menu
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"Bob (this one)" > wrote in message
> This is what the group (3 of us) decided on.
> Oyster stew
> Artichokes
> Rock Cornish, um, tiny turkeys
> Dressing (cornbread, chicken and duck giblets)
> Roasted veggies (3 kinds spuds, hard squash, onion, peppers, jicama)
> Romano beans balsamic
> Boston cream pie
> Sounds good to me.
> Easy stuff, not a lot of leftovers.
> Pastorio

Sounds deliciously festive, Bob. Since there will only be 6 of us this year
instead of the customary 22, we won't be having a turkey at all. Our menu
consists of:

2 roasted chickens
cornbread dressing with giblet gravy
creamed potatoes
macaroni and cheese (my sister's favorite dish)
baby lima beans
steamed, buttered broccoli
marinated vegetable salad*
Pecan pie, lemon meringue pie, chocolate pie, sweet potato pie.

We are big fans of pie. Actually the sweet potato pie is a by-product of
the church lady pie sale my mother and I helped with. The rest are because
we all like different things, and we figure, "Why not?"

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. You know what you are
thankful for. Who are you thankful TO?


* I have no idea what's in this.
We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.