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The Wolf wrote:

> Dave Smith > wrote:
>>The Wolf wrote:
>>>>Reports on the web sites for both CNN and FOX said that one of the
>>>>wounded told police that one of their party did shoot at Vang, but
>>>>after he shot at them. I agree that it wouldn't be the first time that
>>>>an accused person lied. Nor would it be the first time that a witness
>>>>would lie. For that matter, it wouldn't be the first time that a news
>>>>source lied, especially FOX.
>>>I didn't think you moose-****ers were allowed to watch Fox. Thought I
>>>read by law you must get your news from the state run BBC or CBC?

>>Then you must watch FOX news because they were the source of whining about
>>having to wait to have their licence approved and they lied about that. I
>>won't bother arguing facts with you on that one but you are welcome to
>>research it on the net. See what FOX said about it and then see what
>>really happened. Most people hear aren't much interested in FOX, nor do
>>they consider it to be a reliable source for news.

> NONE of it is reliable.......
> What's the difference between Dan Rather and George W. Bush?
> Bush doesn't lose his job next March!
> The only source of news on this shooting has been this thread for me.
> I am very interested to find out WHO fired first.......

It really doesn't matter as much as you think. By his own admission,
Vang came back to the scene, found one of the victims alive and said,
"Aren't you dead yet??" and shot him again and killed him. That's an
admission to 1 count of premeditated murder. Wisconsin doesn't have a
death penalty, but I think that one murder should lock him away for the
rest of his miserable life. If the jury is a bunch of idiots, they
might can aquit on some of the shootings, but not that one. And one is
all it takes.

I can't figure out how he got a hunting license in WI with unpaid fines
on his record from past violations. I've bought a fishing license in WI
before, and they are all computerized. They still had my address in the
computer from a previous license several years earlier (that wasn't even
purchased in the same town.)
