"usual suspect" > wrote in message
> rick etter wrote:
>>>The link provided by Beachboob states that the Sahara "started drying up
>>>6,000 to 8,000 years ago." Rome was founded in 753 BC. That means the
>>>Sahara started drying up at least 3000 years before Romulus settled in
>>>the Seven Hills, not to mention before man made the transition from
>>>hunter-gatherer to local farmer.
>> =====================
>> Yeah, I loved that part. Just think of all those massive cattle ranches
>> in Africa 8000 years ago.
> If you were to put the ridiculous claims of vegan activists to a math test
> (especially issues like water, land, and feed related to livestock
> production), you'd find that humans should've become extinct from lack of
> resources or global warming sometime in the last millenium (if not
> sooner!). The information I provided above debunks these idiots: increased
> CO2 levels have resulted in an increase in our planet's vegetation, and
> much of that is in the Amazon (the very point which Beachboob raised in
> his initial post in this thread -- see http://snipurl.com/b03a)! So much
> for another false tenet of the vegan religion.
I particularlly love the part about the site beachbum was promoting that
really is all about *increasing* the use of cattle to graze the west!
Quite a hoot. maybe this is lotus/lesley/lys latest incarnation, she always
like to post stuff she didn't read with comprehension to supposedly support
her idiocy...