I received Grgich Cabernet Sauv. as a gift. I don t like wine:-(
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On 28-Nov-2004,
ospam (Shussbar) wrote:
> Well, I was thinking about either gifting it back , or reselling it. For
> that,
> I need some advices on the quality of this wine. Year on the bottle is
> 1999 ( I
> have 3), and 2000 ( I have 3)
> Is it worth maybe keeping is a investment?
> They are all Cabernet Sauvignon.
> Thanks for your help
Personally, Grgich Hills is one of my favorite Cabernet's.... I think it has
more to do with Mike Grgich (English spelling) and his fantastic,
down-to-earth personality than necessarily the quality of the wine, although
they do get decent to very good scores. You never seem them blow away, but
rarely will you find it below average either.... in short, consistent.
Anyway, both are good years but the 99 is probably a tad better in my
opinion. I don't think that you will find that they are going to be great
investment opportunities for the reasons mentioned above. Typical retail is
going to be around $50-60 US.
If you are looking for someone to re-gift them to.... drop me a note
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