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Christopher Green
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(Michael P Gabriel) wrote in message m>...
> Hi
> I don't buy, the 1.25 a head for leaf lettuce because of finances..
> I saw it as high as 1.39!! And, I don't believe that head lettuce has
> the nutrition of green leaf lettuce.
> I have tons of beets from my I've been fast frying beet
> tops with a little olive oil, or just steaming with a little water. I
> add a few pine nuts and currants and they are delicious!
> Am I getting the same nutriotion from the beet tops as I would be if I
> bought my usual green leaf lettuce? The beets AND tops are FRESH
> What say?
> Thanks folks,
> Mike
> Picture Rocks , AZ

Beet tops are delicious, though I have yet to persuade my family of
this, so I get all of 'em. They are pretty nutritious as greens go.

Iceberg lettuce is almost entirely water and is not much of a useful
source of any nutrient. Leaf lettuce, especially romaine, is a good
source of folic acid (about 150 micrograms/1 cup), but not much else.

Beet Greens/1 cup cooked

Calories 39
Total fat (g) 0.3
Saturated fat (g) 0
Monounsaturated fat (g) 0.1
Polyunsaturated fat (g) 0.1
Dietary fiber (g) 4.2
Protein (g) 4
Carbohydrate (g) 8
Cholesterol (mg) 0
Sodium (mg) 347
Beta-carotene (mg) 4.4
Calcium (mg) 164
Copper (mg) 0.4
Iron (mg) 2.7
Magnesium (mg) 98
Manganese (mg) 0.7
Potassium (mg) 1309

[Source: American WholeHealth Networks (]

Chris Green