pigs feet
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(JJ) wrote:
> Well I learned some stuff today.
> Several days ago, while getting turkeyday stuff, a package of pigs
> feet on clearance caught my eye. Heck $1.80 usd (greenback is
> dropping in value - doesn't deserve CAPITAL letters) is worth it for 3
> succulent pigs feet.
> Of course I had pretty much zero oink hoof cooking experience, so as
> soon as I get home I'm checking out some recipes.
> I notice 2 things. First, the word "jellied" is found in most oink
> hoof recipes. Second, the recipes that involve grilling them also
> call for soaking them for quite a while before hand.
> I decide to spread my bets (I live in Vegas) and crock pot 1 of them
> and grill 2 of them. I brine one of them and soy/garlic marinade the
> other.
> The crock pot I put in the fridge so I can peel off the fat later.
> Whoa, pig jello!
> The 2 grilled footies look/feel kinda tough - makes sense as the feet
> still have the pig skin on and are now very hard and stiff.
> I peck at it for a bit and figure I'll reunite it with the lonely one
> in the crock pot and give em all some hot tub time.
> Tomorrow I'll peck at em again but they are not looking very yummy
> anymore.
> I bow in deference to those who have cooked the piggie feet and
> dropped the hints - hints that I missed.
> Jay the Pig
I use a pressure cooker for pigs feet...
I'll put 4 whole feet into the pot and put in just enough water to cover
it. Add ground pepper, one whole onion and 6 cloves of garlic, and a
couple of stalks of chopped celery.
Bring up to pressure then turn down to low and allow to pressure for 60
to 90 minutes.
Allow to cool then strain, debone and add the jelly back to the broth
and veggies.
Make a pot of white navy beans separately, then add those to the pork
broth and meat mix.
Bring up to a rolling boil, then turn off.
Piggy feet are also good by themselves without the beans.
Sprout the MungBean to reply
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