In article >,
ilaboo > wrote:
> Katra wrote:
> > In article > ,
> > "Peter Aitken" > wrote:
> >
> >
> >>"Katra" > wrote in message
> ...
> >>
> >>>Picked up a new item at the thai store tonight to try...
> >>>I'm adventurous about foods and there is a LOT of stuff at that market
> >>>that is still new and different, as well as being low carb and low cal.
> >>><lol> I'll get around to trying shark fin one of these days...
> >>
> >>You might want to think twice about the shark fins. Most of them come from
> >>commercial boats that catch large numbers of sharks, cut the fins off, and
> >>throw the shark back to slowly die. It's a bit too cruel and wasteful for
> >>me.
> >
> >
> > Ew. I see what you mean. :-P
> > At least they could kill the poor things and use them for bait!
> >
> > K.
> >
> sounds like it is dried ear mushrooms--white/creamy/brown under and
> black on top--they also come in strips--they are very chewwy and mild
> taste---i understand that they have a blood anticoagulant chemical in
> them--part of their chemistry--not something that is added--this might
> be of some concern to people on anticoagulants--i am not sure on this
> but i recall reading something about it years ago.
> i use them in all sorts sofr rice dishes and stir fry
> hth
> peter
I googled, they are white wood ear. :-)
Reconstitute to a crispy/chewy texture.
But, after eating them, my face broke out in hives and has taken 4 days
to heal. :-P I'm not 100% sure that they are the culprit but I've never
had my face break out like this before and these were the only "new"
foods I've added to my diet this week.
I'll let my poor itchy sore face heal up, then try them once again to
pin it down...