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Gal Called J.J.
Posts: n/a

One time on Usenet, ojunk (Mama2EandJ) said:

> This group never ceases to amaze me. Some of the clique can say whatever they
> please, no matter how offensive, but when someone else does's not ok.
> I left once before and I see not one damn thing has changed, so I'm done for
> good this time.

This post puzzles me -- I've popped in and out of RFC for several
years now, under several names, and while there are a few folks who
may seem more chummy with each other, it's often because they've met
in person at a cook-in. Everyone is welcome to attend those, so that
can hardly be called a "clique" thing.

Most of the people in this group just love food and are quite happy
to talk about it. And if their kitchen, techniques, skills, attitude,
etc. offend you, killfile them. If that doesn't work, then you're
probably better off not reading this group, or Usenet in general for
that matter.

J.J. -- Not a regular, not a Trollop, not in the RFC cookbook, never
been to a cook-in, but enjoys RFC just the same...