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Dave Smith
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Nancy Young wrote:

> There is *nothing* I can think of that could induce me to go stand in
> line like that. Don't anyone get me wrong, I know they have good
> sales and it's often a family tradition, but I am far too lazy to
> go to those lengths. I'm just not a shopper. I go at dinnertime
> closer to Christmas and it's not bad and everything is marked down.
> 45 minutes, I'm done. Then, I don't buy for all but one person.

Damn it. It's the over commercialization of another traditional holiday. I
hate it. It's bad enough that Christmas has been turned into an exercise in
commercial and material indulgence. My whole family used to get together every
year for Christmas Day at my parent's house. and kept it up for a few years
after my father died. Two of my brother's live within 12 miles of my mother's
house and one lives about 200 miles away. He was the only who had a long drive,
so he and his family would stay for a day or two with my parents. That is no
longer possible. She works in retail. She works her butt off for the 2-3 weeks
leading up to Christmas, and then has to stay late on Christmas Eve to get
ready for the Boxing Day sales, which also entail getting there early in the
morning of the 26th. I can understand why she doesn't have the time or energy
to drive 3 hours each way.

It's amazing that so many people will run out on a holiday to scoop up all that
merchandise that is left over from Christmas. If the stores stayed closed for
the extra day to celebrate a special family holiday they could still sell all
that stuff the next day. The only reason they have to open that day is because
others are. It is unfortunate.