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On Sat, 27 Nov 2004 04:41:31 -0500, "Bob (this one)"
> wrote:

> I've never understood that "Black Friday" thing. When I was actively
> selling my food products in farmers' markets, it was always about 10
> times better than my next best day. Black Friday should be reserved
> for disastrous occasions, not the ones that pay the bills. <G>

I've never heard the term before this year... I would have
thought it referenced some mafia style massacre, union clash
or stock market crash. Do they call it "black" because
stores open before the sun comes up?

The Christmas shopping season used to begin the day after
Thanksgiving, but now it starts in September - so I don't
understand the continuing mindset. Stores had the very same
things on sale the day/week before.

Practice safe eating - always use condiments