On Thu, 25 Nov 2004 01:09:01 GMT, Julia Altshuler
> wrote:
> To make it a proper Thanksgiving dinner, I'm afraid you'll have to go
> out and get yourself a bunch of irritating or argumentative relatives.
> A truly traditional Thanksgiving consists of at least one participant
> who goes overboard with cleaning, cooking and other preparations, then
> ruins everything by complaining about how unappreciated she feels.
> You'll also need a bunch of guys watching football on t.v. and some
> energetic children making noise, running around and (bonus points)
> breaking things.
I must be completely out of the loop because I've NEVER
spent one Thanksgiving with people watching football on TV,
arguing and/or complaining.
Honestly, holidays are great for me, because I MAKE them
great (which means letting go of people who will ruin it).
Practice safe eating - always use condiments