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  #6 (permalink)   Report Post  
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I've discovered one can actually season a stainless skillet to do a decent
job. The technique I learned, using aluminum, is to start with about 1/4"
of oil in the pan, high heat, swirling to cover the sides. Pour off the oil
into a side pan and return the seasoning pan to the heat... after it is
almost smoking but not yet browning, return the surplus oil. Repeat the
procedure several times, finally pouring out all the surplus oil. You'll
have a thick glaze on the surface eggs will slide over. I was amazed the
first time I saw just how non-stick a non-non-stick pan can be seasoned to.
One problem with stainless is it often has hot spots

Restuarant supply houses carry bare aluminum cookware, with removable hard
rubber handle insulators, so they can be used for oven finishing when