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On 27 Nov 2004 21:09:07 -0800, Rufus T. Firefly wrote:

> How did everyone get interested in tea? Many of you have lived in
> Asia, but are not from Asia. Did your interest develop after you went
> to Asia? Why tea when the world is interested in coffee? (I,
> personally, have never liked coffee, but I envy those who do.) How do
> those around you view your fascination with tea (for those fascinated
> with tea)? Do they see it as eccentric? It is obviously not very
> eccentric when you're caught up in it, but I fear most people cannot
> understand this interest, regardless of where in the world one might
> be.
> Excitedly awaiting your stories,

It's not a very exciting story.

My parents are from "The South." I grew up with a pitcher of iced tea
in the refrigerator no matter the season - granted, it was the
"instant" variety, which I now can't stand.

In high school, I wanted a hot beverage with caffeine to help keep me
awake. Coffee literally makes me sick to my stomach. I love the smell
of the beans, but the flavor is not to my taste, and it's not worth
the after effects.

So, tea it was. Simple things at first - whatever I could get in the
Twinnigs cans in the grocery store, then Republic of Tea products as
they came available. But in graduate school, I discovered real tea. A
local tea shop existed with a wide selection of loose leaf teas.

That first visit was when I started my path down the long black
road... well, actually, sometimes it's green, white, or oolong.


"Ever wonder why people are so determined to reach for white picket
fences, supposed normalcy, a nuclear family? Well, try growing up
without one." -- Chuck Eddy