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Space Cowboy
Posts: n/a

Wow, you maxed out your $2000 unverified CC spending limit on PP and
now they want the bank account information shown on a personal check?
I like PP because the seller will never know your CC information. You
get some other goodies besides what your CC gives you. You apparently
haven't purchased anything from a website just set up to collect
credit card information for resale even though you get what you paid
for. If you're going to use a CC on the Internet use something like a
Virtual Visa at You pay up front to load and use
and if stolen by a website the next bogus transaction will cancel
because you only keep on balance what you paid for. If you see some
bounced transaction message with the VV just set up a new one. All
that being said I wouldn't waste my PP/CC on any website that sells
tea. So don't complain too Space Cowboy because I live in a metro
area that sells tea and you probably do also but I can live with the
fact that I don't have to drink whatever somebody else bought on a
website and you do under the guise of convenience and choice.


"Melinda" > wrote in message >...
> Unfortunately for you there are those of us who do not use Paypal. I quit
> using them when they started asking for my bank account number. If I can use
> my credit card through a normal checkout process on a website and I don't
> need to give my account number then I feel I should be able to do so through
> Paypal but they don't see it that way. They say that it reduces card
> fraud...I say my bank accnt number's none of their damn business...
> Melinda