Margaret Suran wrote:
> Boron Elgar wrote:
>> On Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, we decided to hit the road in
>> search of Cohen's Bakery in Ellensville, NY and also to Bread Alone in
>> Boiceville. While others started their holiday shopping, we sought the
>> elusive pumpernickel raisin and wild artisan bread.
>> The weather was cool, but clear, with bright sun and lovely clouds. A
>> perfect day for a drive.
>> I expected Cohen's to be a fancy place, but found the store quite
>> small and unassuming. In fact, while walking in front of the glass
>> displays to see all the bakery items, each of us there, strangers
>> before that moment, needed to say "excuse me," and pass sideways to
>> get by - we became almost immediate intimate acquaintances. Luckily
>> the place was not too crowded.
Beautiful area. It's especially beautiful usually in mid-to-late
October when the leaves are in color.
Who was the first person to say, "See that chicken there... I'm gonna
eat the next thing that comes outta it's ass?"