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>From: Sheryl Rosen

> (Snipped) Pie crust does not stick to a pan by
>itself, there is too much grease it it. It's only when the sugar leaks
>through the crust that there is a sticking problem. So if you prevent the
>leak, you prevent the sticking.
>Get it?

Of course. Sorry to offend. But since it was established that you weren't able
to prevent the leakage through the crust, I thought your main problem was said
to be getting a slice out without mutilating the pie or just preventing
sticking any way you could. If you really want just to prevent leakage through
the crust and not just sticking to the pan, perhaps a thicker crust would do
it? I miserably failed seeing why the leakage would be any problem as long as
it didn't stick to the pan. I must have missed the part where the main issue
was not sticking, but limited to leakage causing sticking and you were only
interested in that aspect.

I find it all rather interesting since I have been cooking Pecan pies for over
50 years and never had that problem.
