Thread: Cheese box
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Gregory Morrow
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Default User wrote:

> DJS0302 wrote:
> > My dad is impossible to buy for so I was thinking about getting him a
> > gift box from either The Swiss Colony or Hickory Farms.

> I looked into that once, and if you add up what you really get for the
> money, it's not good. What I did was go to a cheese specialty shop,
> there I got a nicer variety of cheeses and such for far less money.

Swiss Colony, Hickory Farms and similar places (Wisconsin Cheeseman, etc.)
have *really* high prices for what you get, do a per - pound calculation and
you'll see (as high or higher than a luxe place like Zabars, etc.)...and
their offerings are STUFFED with preservatives, nitrites, etc.

That said, I order a lot of Swiss Colony stuff for my mom and other
relatives. It's one - stop shopping and if you buy the postage pre - paid
stuff it's not too awful. Plus which, they like it...

In past years I ordered through a friend's mom who lives up near the Swiss
Colony facility in Monroe WI. She's retired and worked in the mail order
section over the holidays just to get out of the house - *and* to get a 30%
employee discount, which I took advantage of. Alas, they seemed to have
closed that facility, so no more discounted stuff for her and her friends.
Their mail - order address hasn't changed from Monroe, however, so I don't
know what's up...outsourced to India or some place? :-)

Two really good places to order cheese, meats, etc a

This is a Texas - based concern that deals mainly in citrus, but they have
some really nice cheese, meat, etc. offerings. Their stuff is top - rate
and FREE SHIPPING is included in the lower 48...and very good quality, much
better than Swiss Colony.

Based out of the Amana Colonies in Amana IA (the place was founded by a
German Amish - like sect in the mid - 19th century, it's the original home
of Amana which this sect up until 1932 practiced true
"communism", with communal living, dining, and working arrangements). They
have a nice catalog, reasonably - priced meats and cheeses...and again free

You can't go wrong with either of the above, as a satisfied customer of both
I highly recommend them...
