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mroo philpott-smythe wrote:

> The brown rice vinegar is just too bland for my taste. I like the Chinese
> black or red vinegars. Mine is not Pearl River, but I use a nice Chekiang
> black vinegar in the kitchen.
> However, like any true nutcase cook, I also have apple cider, white wine,
> red wine, balsamic red, and a bottle of the Japanese brown that The
> Partner bought for me under the mistaken impression that I would use it.

Let's not get in a vinegar scuffle. I have at least twenty, including
wine with pink berries a nice strong raisin vinegar. And that bottle of
incredibly expensive balsamic, that I pour out into a teaspoon and sip
whenever I've had a bad day.
If you think the brown rice vinegar too bland, try this recipe:
1 1/4 lb THIN sliced yam or sweet potato, marinated
overnight in 3 T rice vinegar, 1 teas toasted sesame oil, 1 1/2 T
1 teas salt. I put in a sealed container and shook a few times during
the rest. Just before serving add cilantro....I added quite a bit,
I've discovered this, even with the cilantro, keeps pretty well over
night, or in a lunch pail. Very refreshing.
It is from From the Earth by Eileen Lo.

> The regular white vinegar is really only good for washing windows! %^P
> sq

And putting in the rinse cycle to get the smell of bleach out of whites
just bleached.
I've been told my a Young Woman of Today, vinegar isn't even used for
douche anymore, but Listerine is.