"bk" > wrote in message
> Looking for feedback on the Cajun Grill Smoker. I'm being told that it's a
> great smoker and it's what I should get. Seems like it's built strong, but
> I'm used to seeing the metal smokers with vertical stacks for smoke to
The Hasty Bake is a similar but far superior unit, imo. Check them out at
hastybake.com. I have two of them, one five years old, the other pushing
twenty-five.Use 'em for low and slow as well as grilling and the results
have always been terrific...except in the occasional instance of operator
error, whidch is usully a case of sleeping through the "add wood in the
middle of the night" operation.
Classy, versatile, very well built, and the customer service is top shelf.