GmagicB wrote:
> The Hasty Bake is a similar but far superior unit, imo. Check them
> out at I have two of them, one five years old, the
> other pushing twenty-five.Use 'em for low and slow as well as
> grilling and the results have always been terrific...except in the
> occasional instance of operator error, whidch is usully a case of
> sleeping through the "add wood in the middle of the night" operation.
> Classy, versatile, very well built, and the customer service is top
> shelf.
Thanks for the tip G, finally found picts of the unit with the firebox. Got
a couple of Q's if you dont mind.
Looks like the only exhaust is below the firebox?
For grilling, you just remove the heat deflector and crank the firebox to
the top?
25 years? You keep it outside in winter too?
Don't want to assume the obvious, thanks!