"Dan Logcher" > wrote in message =
> Musashi wrote:
> > "Dan Logcher" > wrote in message =
> >=20
> >>Musashi wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>Let's be aware that Musubi aka Onigiri is not sushi.
> >>>It does not use sushi rice.
> >>>It's merely the Japanese version of a sandwich; rice to go.
> >>>
> >>Is it like those triangles of rice with something on one side
> >>and then wrapped with nori? I see these at a Japanese market
> >>near me..
> >>
> >>
> >=20
> > Yes those are them. Good English huh?
> > They are seen in very 7-11 in Japan.
> BTW, here's the market I saw them at.
> http://www.kotobukiyamarket.com/
> No sign of it or the fresh sushi fish on here though.
Wow. Looks like a fairly well stocked store.
They even list carrying "Japanese made car accessories"...LOL