Bob C wrote:
>>>The Sahara Desert used to be fertile land that fed the Roman Empire.
>>>Grazing practices turned it into a desert. Now much of the US is being
>>>turned into a desert. Here's an excellent article on the subject.
>>Well, I've given even you time to read your own site. Have you? I'd say
>>you haven't, since the site actually promotes the use of cattle in the west,
>>and argues that calling for their elimination by fools like you will cause
>>an even faster degradation of the habitat. But then, you haven't proven
>>much in the way of any smarts, have you killer?
> I guess you need to read How to win friends and influence people. If you gave
> people stuff to consider it would be well received. Instead you just are nasty.
You can try offering "stuff to consider," too, Bob. Rick's offered plenty of
evidence over the years and it's never received well by vegans and animal rights
activists. You can find his posts easily in the Google groups archives. You can
also find the scorn heaped upon Rick by people like you -- including the quotes
from vegans which you didn't adequately address:
We should plaster Etter's, Dutch's and Ball's homes with PETA
and PCRM flyers so that THEY will have NO square inch to post
THEIR views and discuss topics of interest to THEM.
I hope you die slowly, and in excruciating pain from cancer or in a
house fire you worthless tramp for what you have just said. Just one
animals life is worth 10 of yours. Your wife is better off where she is,
at least she doesn't have to live with YOU. I bet she would have
committed suicide anyway rather than put up with you. Please do like her
and choke to death.
I can hardly wait until you get your first heart attack.
I will jump for joy when you suffer and drop dead!
It will be hilarious for the medical staff to laugh at you
and tell you that they don't have to be told by YOU what to do.
Keep on eating that red meat, Dick Etter!
So you are saying I and fellow vegetarians have the legal
right to run an office the way WE want. Well, then, that is good --
because I encourage medical doctors not to help hunters and
Vegans are the least compassionate people on the planet. Face the truth, Bob.