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usual suspect
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Beach Runner wrote:
> Basically, I question their going into a vegan group and trying to
> disrupt it;

Nobody here is disrupting anything. There have been some challenges to
the wildly exaggerated claims you and other vegans have made, and you've
been shown to be a liar. Regardless, what you call trolling has all been
on-topic and germane to the newsgroup.

> It's called trolling.

No, it's called debunking lies.

> Reasonable questions are of course welcome.

You make unreasonable points, and then you lie to support them.

> Writing I should die doesn't encourage further reading.

Nobody has suggested you should die. In fact, it's always the vegans who
wish harm upon others here. Consider the following examples I found at
Google's archives of vegans in this newsgroup wishing harm or
threatening non-vegans:

We should plaster Etter's, Dutch's and Ball's homes with PETA
and PCRM flyers so that THEY will have NO square inch to post
THEIR views and discuss topics of interest to THEM.

I hope you die slowly, and in excruciating pain from cancer or in a
house fire you worthless tramp for what you have just said. Just one
animals life is worth 10 of yours. Your wife is better off where she
at least she doesn't have to live with YOU. I bet she would have
committed suicide anyway rather than put up with you. Please do
like her
and choke to death.

I can hardly wait until you get your first heart attack.
I will jump for joy when you suffer and drop dead!
It will be hilarious for the medical staff to laugh at you
and tell you that they don't have to be told by YOU what to do.

Keep on eating that red meat, Dick Etter!

So you are saying I and fellow vegetarians have the legal
right to run an office the way WE want. Well, then, that is good --
because I encourage medical doctors not to help hunters and

Want more examples? There are plenty more where those were found. That's
just from one quick search. Vegans are the least compassionate people on
the planet. They are misanthropes. They don't care about animals, they
just hate their fellow man and use their prattle about animals to
sugarcoat their base contempt for mankind. As you can see from the
above, their hate-filled expressions to those who oppose them is often
malevolent, if not psychotic. That's to be expected, though, given the
fact that vegans and ARAs are often very mentally disturbed.
