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Default Opinion please...

PENMART01 wrote:
> In article >, John Gaughan
> > writes:
> >PENMART01 wrote:
> >> For pieces of meat so large that they can't be accomodated by the
> >> largest size standard Zip-type bags then those pieces are not good
> >> candidates for marinating simply by soaking, those would be too
> >> massive for penetration by mere soaking, therefore would be best
> >> served by needle injection.

> >
> >That depends. If you had a large but relatively thin piece of meat, it
> >might not fit in a ziploc bag, but marination could still work.

> You must be talking mammoth meat, because I know of no thin cuts of beef/pork
> that won't fit or can't be folded to fit into the typical large size Zip-type
> bags... and in cases of larger pieces, such as an entire rack of ribs, they can
> be cut in half... I cut the thin end off to cook separately anyway and then
> have never had a problem fitting the rest in the bag.
> >But I do agree that marinade will not penetrate very deep in a thick cut
> >of meat.

> With larger cuts I'll submerge the piece a la sauerbraten.
> Sheldon
> ````````````

Brisket... ;-)
It can be marinated in a very large, clean, trash bag.
They are generally BBQ's whole, or slow roasted.


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