Well, regifting them was may be directed at close relative, but if you
want them, I am Ok to sell them to you.
The 1999 can go for 65$ and the 2000 for 45$.
So 3 x 65 = 195
3 x 45 = 135
Total $ 330. Add shipping to that and they are yours.
let me know.
"CabFan" > wrote in message > ...
> On 28-Nov-2004, ospam (Shussbar) wrote:
> > Well, I was thinking about either gifting it back , or reselling it. For
> > that,
> > I need some advices on the quality of this wine. Year on the bottle is
> > 1999 ( I
> > have 3), and 2000 ( I have 3)
> >
> > Is it worth maybe keeping is a investment?
> >
> > They are all Cabernet Sauvignon.
> >
> > Thanks for your help
> Personally, Grgich Hills is one of my favorite Cabernet's.... I think it has
> more to do with Mike Grgich (English spelling) and his fantastic,
> down-to-earth personality than necessarily the quality of the wine, although
> they do get decent to very good scores. You never seem them blow away, but
> rarely will you find it below average either.... in short, consistent.
> Anyway, both are good years but the 99 is probably a tad better in my
> opinion. I don't think that you will find that they are going to be great
> investment opportunities for the reasons mentioned above. Typical retail is
> going to be around $50-60 US.
> If you are looking for someone to re-gift them to.... drop me a note 
> Gary