"sf" <
<snipping wonderful things>
> I have dibs on spinach souffle!!!!
> If someone else thinks they have a good spinach souffle,
> I'll figure out something else.
> Who's in?
> I have double ovens, so we can do 8 one quart souffles or 4
> two quart souffles.
> Cyndi, what's your intrest?
> I think that 2 or 3 of us have the savory souffle part
> covered (who wants to make a dessert souffle?), so if anyone
> else would like to join us and contribute another part of
> the meal... let us know!
> Salad anyone?
> sf
> Practice safe eating - always use condiments
As Nathan would say, "Aw, cuddies." I can't. <bowing head with
disappointment> But I have a good reason! Really. We just found out that
we may get to move back to Illinois. I know, sounds ridiculous after all of
my jibs and jabs about "Armpit, IL" but we really miss our friends and
family up there and this area just isn't 'home' anymore.
Whether you have a Souffle cookin virtually or physically, please know that
I would LOVE to be there but want to go home even more! Presuming all goes
well, we may be back in/by April! Woo-hoo! I'm saving my pennies as we
speak. LOL Never thought I'd want to return to Armpit, IL. hahahahahaha
Oh well.