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"Mama2EandJ" > wrote in message
> This group never ceases to amaze me. Some of the clique can say whatever

> please, no matter how offensive, but when someone else does's not

> I left once before and I see not one damn thing has changed, so I'm done

> good this time.

Clique? Hardly.
There are regular posters and infrequent posters, like all ng's.
There are folks known for their less than sensitive candor, and since we all
know they won't change, they're accepted for who they are.
There are some who just killfile, and others who reply with vigor to
anything they find "offensive".
There are some who want to talk only about food, and some who feel part of a
community that wish to share more than just what they had for dinner
In other words, it's like life. There are always going to be people who
annoy us or **** us off, just like there are going to be people we admire,
people we like, people we don't. You take it as it comes and deal with what
you deal with and you don't whine to everyone that they're not acting the
way you'd like them to. You sound like my 4 yr old niece when my daughter
doesn't give her exactly what she wants. "You're a meanie! You're not my
friend! I don't want to play with you anymore!" The fact is, nobody spoils
her like my daughter does and she knows it.
Instead of running away when someone upsets you, say what you feel and move
on. Otherwise, don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you.
