Electric cooking sucks!!!
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> " BOB"
>PENMART01 wrote:
>>> "BOB" writes:
>>> PENMART01 wrote:
>>>>> Amarantha writes:
>>>>>> Andy wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks to the high winds in the northeast, most everybody lost power
>>>>>> today. Couldn't do much other than tuna salad. Dinner in the dark.
>>>>>> Now I remember why electric stoves/ovens suck!
>>>>> Ah, well, it goes both ways. There was an electricity crisis in my city
>>>>> few years back, which disadvantaged those who had electric cooking/hot
>>>>> water. But then there was a gas crisis not long after, which turned the
>>>>> tables on the rest of us.
>>>> I never experienced a natural or propane gas crisis in the US... explain.
>>> Let the propane tank run out? No gas in the car to go get it filled.
>>> Just a thought.
>> A thought... um, that's not a gas crisis, that's your NOT thinking.
>Heh heh! Not *my* not thinking. One of those others (posting above). I
>natural gas for everything but the burner for my Kamado grills. It is used
>primarily for lighting the lump charcoal, so if I did run out it would hardly
>a crisis. I'd just light using a charcoal chimney.
>But I *did* word it rather poorly.
I used natural gas on Lung Guyland for nearly 30 years, not once was there a
gas crisis... one summer day the gas company went around installing new valves
at the curb, no gas for about two hours, not a crisis... in fact a month prior
everyone involved received a letter describing the impending *petty
inconvenience*, wasn't even a surprise. And since this occured in the middle
of a weekday during normal working hours most were away at work and never even
realized until they arrived home and found the tag on their front door telling
to turn the valve back on at the gas meter and relight any pilot lights.
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