"Dimitri" > wrote in message
. com...
> Ok so you have a recipe that calls for a Tablespoon of oh lets say tomato
> paste. You open a small can and spoon the tablespoon. What do you do
> the rest of the can?
> The recipe calls for 1 1/2 cup of onions. You slice and dice 2 onions and
> find you've got 2 cups. Do you just use them anyway?
> Dimitri
Tomato paste, I buy the tube. Never have to worry about that whole what do I
do with the rest thing again. Just use what you need and refrigerate the
rest. Of course, I use it at least a couple times a month.
Onions, well, I don't think I've ever measured them out! lol I usually just
"eye" what I have and go with it. Of course, there's always the option of
not chopping both full onions too...chop 1 1/2 and wrap the rest of the
onion and use it for sandwiches the next day!