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Melba's Jammin'
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In article >, Rhonda
Anderson > wrote:

> "Dimitri" > wrote in
> . com:
> > Ok so you have a recipe that calls for a Tablespoon of oh lets say
> > tomato paste. You open a small can and spoon the tablespoon. What do
> > you do with the rest of the can?

> Can we say it calls for 2 tablespoons instead? From the rest of the
> responses I can't tell if this is something available in the US, but at
> the supermarket here (Penrith, NSW, Australia) I can buy a box of 4 x 50g
> sachets of tomato paste. Each sachet is equivalent to about 2 tablespoons
> (Australian so 20ml). That's how I buy it. The sachets store at room

Cool. I've seen tubes here (like toothpaste), but mostly we buy tomato
paste in 6-ounce or 12-ounce cans.
-Barb, <> Updated 11-29-04; Sam I Am!
birthday telling; Thanksgiving 2004; Fanfare, Maestro, please.
"Are we going to measure or are we going to cook?" -Food writer
Mimi Sheraton