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>Before I grill I always turn it up on high for about 10 minutes
>to burn off the old grease. Every once in a while though, the
>grill flares up inside and keep going even when I cut off the gas.

Obvioiusly you're not burning off the grease well enough... but why not just
clean the grill as specified in the owner's manual. Cleaning frequency is
obviously dependant on what and how you cook. It should take no more than 15
minutes to clean the Weber Genesis, I clean mine 3 times each year... only
thing you need is a two inch putty knife.

>Needless to say I put the grill further away from the house.

All outdoor grills should be placed at least 10 feet from the house and other
combustibles... and never use a grill on a wood deck.

>Is this just common to Webers? My old cheapy grill never did this.

The cheapy grills use lava rocks to suck up the grease, those too will flare if
the rocks are not replaced frequently enough.
The cheapy grills usually don't last long enough to accumulate grease for flare

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