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Anthony Ewell wrote on 12/2/2004:

>I do not care much for my scrambled eggs: eggs, salt, pepper,
>butter on the pan; beat like heck; cook on a low heat; stir occationally.

>1) am I cooking them correctly?, and
>2) are there any better seasonings to use?

I'm partial to doing scrambled eggs in a double boiler. I don't beat
the heck out of them. They're more than lightly beaten and less
than thoroughly beaten. I get a rich tasting, soft, moist curd without
the addition of milk, cream, butter, etc., although I sometimes add
a bit of such things. Sometimes I add a dash or two of hot sauce,
maybe a handful of grated cheese, some chopped ham or smoked
fish (although I don't care to mix smoked fish with hot sauce
and cheese).