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>From: Glenn Jacobs

After the great Gravy Magic hunt by FIL
> (Snipped) So
>alittle over two hours later, the gravy is ready and we sit down to cold
>turkey and cold everything else and gravy that really wasn't very good at

Do I sniff out an Obsessive=Compulsive here? I can't imagine making everyone
wait unless it was compulsive. No other excuse for such bad manners.

I remember one Thanksgiving dinner when everyone was all ready to sit down and
my Son-in-Law decided to go pick someone up at that point, and his family
refused to eat until he got back. Cold everything-After all that work getting
it onto the table on time. From that time on it was everyone for himself.
Grab a plate.

Wait, wait, I remember one time my ex-husband decided to arrive over 2 hours
late, because he was always compulsively late, to his mother's house with all
our 8 kids. Those nuts made everyone else in 2 families with kids wait until
he got there. Of course, I was blamed. I did say he was ex, didn't I?
