Dimitri wrote:
> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> ...
> >
> > Dimitri wrote:
> >
> >> Ok so you have a recipe that calls for a Tablespoon of oh lets say tomato
> >> paste. You open a small can and spoon the tablespoon. What do you do
> >> with
> >> the rest of the can?
> >
> > I put the cap back on the tube and store it in the fridge :-)
> >
> >>
> >> The recipe calls for 1 1/2 cup of onions. You slice and dice 2 onions
> >> and
> >> find you've got 2 cups. Do you just use them anyway?
> >
> > If I were to actually measure the onions I was adding I might try packing
> > them
> > tighter so that 2 cups of diced onion would fit into 1 1/2 cups :-)
> >
> > I can't recall any recipes that call for a measured amount of onion. They
> > usually say to use small, medium or large onions, but that leaves you the
> > chore
> > of classifying them as small. medium or large.
> Look on the back of a Turkey stuffing box.
> Dimitri
Stuffing comes in a box??