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"grpman" > wrote in message
> Rant for the day:
> I'm done with Subway. It's a waste of time going there. Why is it
> that I can go into Walmart (which has a million different products)
> and I can have a 99% chance of finding the item on the shelf, yet I go
> into Subway (which has only ONE product - food) and there is only a
> 25% chance that they have it?
> Almost every time I go into Subway, I always get "we don't have that
> bread", "we have no cookies", etc. Instead of asking the customer
> "what do you want", they might as well say "here is what you are
> getting". Why even open the doors.. why go into business? For a big
> chain, you think they would have solved this small problem of "having
> no product to sell".
> Some stores think that they are in business to please themselves only.
> I tried going to a particular supermarket at a convenient time (near
> closing when it is not busy). Their produce and salad shelves would
> be empty (I suppose so they wouldn't have to throw anything out).

What-are you an idiot? Supermarket shelves get stocked in the morning or if
a 24-hour store, in the middle of the night. Do some research, huh?
There are other stores besides Wallmart

> They don't seem to realize that they should keep the shelves stocked
> (even if they have to throw a bit out) otherwise the customers will
> take ALL of their business elsewhere.
> Of course, writing to the above businesses yeilded no response and no
> change in practice.

Subway is on almost every street corner these days. They have more stores
than McD's.
Pick another one.