Souffle dish
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Bob (this one)
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Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >,=20
>>On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 08:46:19 -0600, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:
>>> All this souffle talk has me contemplating making one. For=20
>>> straight-sided dishes I have a 1-1/2 quart Corning casserole with=20
>>> a 2-1/2" inside height and 7" diameter, and a smaller (one quart=20
>>> probably) stoneware thang that has a 2-1/2" inside height and 6"=20
>>> diameter AND is not straight-sided -- it comes in just a little=20
>>> bit at the top.
>>You can make a souffle in any dish, Barb. It's not a
>>mystery recipe - even though we've been conditioned to think
>>it is.
> I'm not worried about the recipe (hey, I've won ribbons for chiffon=20
> cakes) - just curious about the dish. Thanks. I'm thinking spinach=20
> when i get around to it
We used to make some of our souffl=E9s in my fancy-dancy restaurant on=20
flat plates. Put down a layer of a seafood-scented and flavored=20
mayonnaise, chopped lobster meat and caviar with other goodies added,=20
spoon the souffl=E9 batter over and pop into the oven. Puffed up most=20
splendidly. Charged an arm and a leg for it. I got to eat the=20
occasional mistakes. Heh...
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