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grpman wrote:
> Rant for the day:
> I'm done with Subway. It's a waste of time going there. Why is it
> that I can go into Walmart (which has a million different products)
> and I can have a 99% chance of finding the item on the shelf, yet I go
> into Subway (which has only ONE product - food) and there is only a
> 25% chance that they have it?
> Almost every time I go into Subway, I always get "we don't have that
> bread", "we have no cookies", etc. Instead of asking the customer
> "what do you want", they might as well say "here is what you are
> getting". Why even open the doors.. why go into business? For a big
> chain, you think they would have solved this small problem of "having
> no product to sell".
> Some stores think that they are in business to please themselves only.
> I tried going to a particular supermarket at a convenient time (near
> closing when it is not busy). Their produce and salad shelves would
> be empty (I suppose so they wouldn't have to throw anything out).
> They don't seem to realize that they should keep the shelves stocked
> (even if they have to throw a bit out) otherwise the customers will
> take ALL of their business elsewhere.
> Of course, writing to the above businesses yeilded no response and no
> change in practice.

I have noticed that it is very different from store to store. I live in
Granbury which has a great selection all the time, but I work in north
Fort Worth with 2 nearby. One at Belknap and Beach is forever out of
this and that, particularly breads. The store on 121 and Riverside is
usually well stocked but many times over run at lunch.